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See PCR Polymers, defined, 3:181 Polymodal receptors, 4:68 Polymorphic loci, 2:152 Polymorphism genetic, 1:78 maintained in population, 2:120 molecular, 1:78 moth wing patterns, 1:158, 1:161 in natural populations, 2:152153 See also Peppered moth Polyp (sessile) body forms, 1:108, 1:155156, 3:111 Polyplacophora (chitons), 3:130, 3:134 Polyploid animals, lack of, 4:30 Polysaccharides carbohydrates, 1:1, 1:152 chitin, 1:142143 defined, 1:142 in shells, 4:81 Pomacentridae (damselfishes), 3:171 Ponds characteristics, 1:87 ecological role, 2:36 population dynamics, 4:30 role of beavers, 3:65 Tfading, 3:157, 3:157 Population density defined, 3:75 equilibrium, 4:26 measuring, 4:2526 Population dynamics, 4:2530 allopatric speciation, 1:75 and carrying capacity, 4:2728, 4:31, 4:3233 competition for resources, 1:12 competitive exclusion, 1:175176, 3:93, 4:29 defined, 3:75 dispersal, 1:73 exponential growth, 3:76 gene flow, 1:76 genetic drift, 1:7677 home ranges, 4:31 impact of keystone species, 3:6466 interspecies competition, 4:2829 of islands, 3:93, 4:154 isolation, role of, 1:8, 2:99 models, 4:2629, 4:3031 peppered moth, 3:185187 population density measure- ments, 4:2526 r-k continuum, 3:7476, 4:26, 4:28 role of extinctions, 2:101, 4:34 sympatric speciation, 1:75 and territoriality, 4:107 vicariant events, 1:74 zooplankton, 4:163 See also Biodiversity; Extinction; Natural Selection; Predator- prey interactions Population ecology.

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A circle may be described with any center and distance. relative permittivity The ratio of the permittivity of a substance to the permittivity of vacuum, a measure of the extent to which accuratee substance resists the flow of electric charge (units are faradsmetre). The same mRNA may easily be translated into several copies of the protein, as shown here where two ribo- somes act simultaneously on the mRNA.

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