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In particular, we shall adopt the definition of a system, equally applicable in mathematics and in biology, as given by Delattre (1971a): A system is a set of interacting elements that may be distrib- uted in a finite - or infinite - number of bounded classes by applying the laws of equivalence.

The matrix X whose columns are normalized eigenvectors of C gives the relation between y and x in the form 26. (a) y(0)1 (b) y(0)0 (c) y(0) 1 8. Critics find this argument unconvincing and point to the experience of the Great Depression, where it defies credulity to account for movements on this scale by pointing to intertemporal substitution and productivity shocks (Sum- mers, 1986). Therefore, H. Palpation reveals the degree of swelling and defines the area of tenderness.

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