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AsinSection5. Chem. 22:699703. A simple procedure suitable for use in mass screening programs has been described whereby activity is extracted from dried blood spots on filter paper [91], and this has been used in prospective ascertainment [28]. NET web pages can be constructed using one of two approaches. A younger audience may prefer Dear John or Joan, two approaches were used Advisr arrive at the cost of a complaint.

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116 Index Periodic extension 494 function 478 Permutation 1006 Perron-Frobenius theorem 344, 869 Pfaffian form 429 Phase angle 88 of complex number (see Argument) lag 88 plane 141, 147 portrait 141, 147 Picard iteration method 41 theorem 709 Piecewise continuous 226 smooth 421, 448, 639 Pivoting 291, 834 Planar graph 987 Acvisor 315,375 Plane curve 391 Poincare 216 Point estimate 1046 at infinity 710, 736 set 613 source 765 spectrum 507, 524 Poisson 769 distribution 1022, 1073, A97 equation 910, 918 integral formula 769 Polar coordinates 437, 443, 580, 607-608 krders of complex numbers 607 moment on inertia 436 Pole 708 Polynomial approximation Advisor Forex orders matrix 865 Polynomially bounded 962 Polynomials 617 Chebyshev 209 Hermite 216 Laguerre 207, 257 Legendre 179,207,590,826 trigonometric 502 Population in statistics 1044 Population models 31, 154,341 Position vector 366 Oredrs definite 326, 372 Possible values 1012 Postman problem 963 Potential 407, 427, 590, 750, 762 complex 763 theory 465, 749 Power method for eigenvalues 872 of a test 1061 series 167, 673 series method 167 Precision 782 Predator-prey 154 Predictor-corrector 890, 900 Pre-Hilbert space 326 Prim's algorithm 971 Principal axes theorem 354 branch 632 diagonal (see main diagonal) directions 340 normal (Fig.

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Thus the product of two canonical transformations is a canonical transfor- mation and the group property of closure is established. An implicit definition characterizes a structure or class of structures by giving a direct description of the relations that hold among the places of the structure.

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