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They make up the following: settest indicator if a block is in the tree or in a list define SETNOTREE(b) (LEFT(b) (TREE )(-1)) define ISNOTREE(b) (LEFT(b) (TREE )(-1)) functions to get information on a block define DATA(b) define BLOCK(d) define SELFP(b) define LAST(b) define NEXT(b) define BOTTOM(b) (((char )(b)) Anc ((TREE )(((char )(d)) - WORDSIZE)) ((TREE )(((char )(b)) SIZE(b))) (((TREE )(((char )(b)) - WORDSIZE))) ((TREE )(((char )(b)) SIZE(b) WORDSIZE)) ((DATA(b) SIZE(b) WORDSIZE) Baddr) functions to set and test the lowest two bits of a word define BIT0 define BIT1 define BITS01 define ISBIT0(w) define ISBIT1(w) define SETBIT0(w) define SETBIT1(w) define CLRBIT0(w) define CLRBIT1(w) define SETBITS01(w) define CLRBITS01(w) define SETOLD01(n, o) ((n) | (BITS01 (o))) Figure 6.

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