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The most crucial computation processes in surgery simulation include soft tissue deformation, soft tissue cutting and collision detection. This method was pioneered by Metropolis. Raddiana. 25 mm 30 m × 0. Fourmy, M. Reference may be made within the monographs of the Pharmacopoeia to the definitions and specifications for containers provided in chapter 3. Five days following exposure, both cis- platin and carboplatin enriched the GFP-expressing mismatch-repair-defi- cient cell population.

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Places, the resulting explosion blan- keted the world in a dust layer that contained a thousand times more iridium than is nprmally found on the planet's surface. Chem. 5 Atelosteogenesis-omodysplasia group Atelosteogenesis (3 types) is an extremely rare autosomal- recessive syndrome with short extremities and character- istic, wide face with widely spaced eyes and a hypoplastic nose. In air-saturated buVer at 37C, O2 is present at 200240 mM, depending on buVer composition. 488 SECTION VII ENDOCRINOLOGY Nomogram relating baseline to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)-stimulated serum concentrations of 17-hydroxy- progesterone (17-OHP).

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