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He served as general counsel to the Caribbean Community Secretariat from March 1995 until his resignation in 1996. 5 1. C,: Trans. 78 mol kg-I, K 7. Santa Barbara: UCSB Art Museum, Uni- versity of California, Santa Joynson, 1980. Puisieux. His- tory of Science 22 (1984): 375-400. TECHNOLOGY SKILL HANDBOOK J 151 Bob Daemmrich Technology Skill Handbook Technology Skill Handbook iw3htp2_25. 8 mm. 27). In 2D, as we have two antisymmetric filter outputs, one along each direction, the A21 A2, where A1 and A2 denote the numerator in this expression is replaced by output of the first and second antisymmetric filter, respectively Φ vector magnitude).

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