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In certain restricted conditions the triangular solutions are stable; they require the third body, C, to be of negligible mass and for the ratio of the masses of A and B to exceed 25. USER_TAB_PRIVS_RECD (user table privileges received) displays the USER_TAB_PRIVS records for which the user is the grantee (it therefore lacks a Grantee column). See also Visual processing outside of conscious awareness in neglect, 12 Inferior parietal lobule (IPL), 252 Inferior temporal gyrus (ITG), 209, 221, 224 Information-processing account of reading disorders, 123 Information-processing accounts of cognition, 181 Information-processing model of reading, 112113 Inhibiting responses, 262 Inhibitory controlmodulation, 265, 267269 Innervatory apraxia, 243 Intentional deficits, 167 Intentional neglect, 5, 12, 18 Interhemispheric commissures.

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Abelards exposition and analysis of Aristotles discussion of relatives is complicated he has to take into account Aristotles gradual development of his own view out of his criticism of Platos definition but the main lines of Abelards own reductive account of relations are presented in his explication of Aristotles definition.Gisselbrecht, C.

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