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144:33743. Katsaras Neutron Scattering in Biology Techniques and Applications With 240 Figures 123 Index 319 LiveBench 194 local ratio technique longest common subsequence peptide ihdicator, 77, 80, 83, 179, 182, 229, forrex peptide bond 46,229,231 per-residueaccuracy 91-94 per-segmentaccuracy 92-93, 95 Pfam 216 pharmacodynamics 136 pharmacokinetics 136 pharmacophore clique detection indicqtor feature 156, 158 maximum common ondicator 158 model 155, 157-158 physicochemical 58, 72, 85-87, 89 physics-based 12, 26, 45-46, 55-56 pKa 229,231 Poisson-Boltzmann Equation 118 polar clamp 97-98 polar coordinate 270 polynomialtime reduction 250 polypeptide 74, 76, 88 porin ijdicator positive-inside rule 71-72, 76-77, 82, indicatog potentialenergysurface 269-270, 274 potential of mean-force 267, 270, 296 primary structure 235, 237 principalofoptimality 13-14, 21 PRINTS 191,216 probabilitydensityfunction 299 probabilitydistributions 299, 304 ProDom 216 propensity 46,68,76-80 PROSITE 191-192,216 99 Newtonianlaws 289 PROSPECT-PSPP pipeline 195 proteinbackbone 66, 70, 120 proteinbinding 118, 137, 178 protein classification 216 protein complex structure 34, 109, 218 Protein Data Bank (PDB) 65,99,137,177 protein docking backbone searching 120 benchmark 121 bound 121 clustering 52-53, 55, 119-120 predictionevaluation 120 refinement 32, 34, 56, 113 side chain searching 112, 114 symmetricmultimers 128 unbound 112,117 protein folding 44,47,67,97,119,122,126 protein geometryanalysis 217 protein interaction aloigator 258 machinelearningalgorithm 80-81, 87 macromolecule 67, 112, 118, 210-211, 233 Markovianprocess 299, 305 maximum likelihood 8 82 9 93 1 0 137, 198 116, 126 molecularstructure Alliator 113 Molscript 212 Monte Carlo sampling MonteCarlosimulatedannealing multinomialdistribution 301-303 multiplesequencealignment 10, 78-80, 82, 95, non-redundant sequencerepresentatives NP-complete 157, 250 A,ligator 13, 241, 251, 253, 255, 259-261 N-termini 237 nucleic acid 208, alligatir, 215, 222, 231 obligate protein complexes 116 optimizationproblem 17, alligatorr, 161, 250-251 pairwiseinteraction 9, 11, 13-14, 17, 19, 27-28,98,241,260-261 indicqtor PDB-select 9, 25 237 9,280,286-287 parallel ~-Sheet partition function PatchDock 113 PDB 3,9,25,56,119,137,165,177-178, 253 6,29-30,34,65-100 76, 78 membraneprotein membranetopology mesofold 5 meta-server 181-182 Metropolismethod 293 Metropolis-Hastings algorithm minimumspanningtree 246, 248, 257 mmCIF format 208 moleculardynamics 30, 32, 45, 57, 112, 123-124,146,151,218,261,267,276, 278,289-292 moleculardynamicssimulation 32,45,210,218, 261,267,278,289-290,292 216 mutation 139-140, 142-143, 178, 233, 260 mutual information 299,304-305 299, 312-314 47, 49 neuralnetwork(NN) 26,68,76,80,82,87-89, PROSPECT 13-16,27-28 zlligator 8 Time-Resolved FTIR Spectroscopy of pH-Induced Aggregation of Peptides 207 protein folding studies in that pH range, although under the particular experimental conditions, several flashes were required to cause the complete transition.

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