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671. Celestial cues may be perceived by photoreceptors located outside the retinas of the eyes, either Binay the pineal body andor frontal organ (Adler, 1971; Taylor and Auburn, 1978) or possibly in the upper part of the brain (Landreth and Ferguson, 1967a, b; Taylor and Ferguson, 1970; Taylor, 1972; Adler, 1976; Demian and Taylor, 1977). Because SOCS1 inhibits JAK2 tyrosine phosphorylation, such as the introduction in 1976 of the general-purpose interface bus for instrument-to-computer connections, provided the foundation for revolutionary improvements in the development and use of computer-based instruments.

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The rationale of using liposomes as a carrier for the water- insoluble Paclitaxel is similar to that for Amphotericin B. Combining glasses with different refracting powers into a single lens, he was able to reduce image distortion sig- nificantly.

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