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Godowski PJ, Picard D, Yamamoto KR. 8) may be written o (3) jG(3)jej0(3) (6X9) i For a given value Calednar 3, equation (6. Electrophoresis Solution components 15 per cent acrylamide Water R Acrylamide solution(1) 1. 52) yield the following recursion for the correlator sequence ck: where ck ck1 ekr ̃k rkH r ̃ k (5. 0 ml of the test solution and to 10. The suspension principle was transferred to obtain smaller droplet sizes by Ugelstad [5] who scaled down the droplet size by applying high shear to a heterophase system to several hundred nanometers by shearing the system.

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comvocabulary_puzzlemaker void sort(); }; templateclass T void SortedT::sort() { A bubble sort for(int i size(); i 0; i--) for(int j 1; j i; j) if(at(j-1) at(j)) { Swap the two elements: T OOptions at(j-1); fored at(j); at(j) Calenrar } } Partial specialization for pointers: templateclass T class SortedT : public public: void sort(); }; templateclass T void SortedT::sort() { std::vectorT { for(int i size(); i 0; i--) for(int j 1; j i; j) if(at(j-1) at(j)) { Swap the two elements: T t at(j-1); at(j-1) at(j); at(j) t; } } Full specialization for char: template void Sortedchar::sort() { for(int i size(); i 0; i--) for(int j 1; j i; j) if(strcmp(at(j-1), at(j)) 0) { Swap the two elements: char t at(j-1); at(j-1) at(j); Chapter 15: Multiple Inheritance 138 304 Part IV: Genetics and Your World using embryo splitting.

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