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Lei- den, K. Crystd from conductivity water (lmLg) between 100° and Oo. The Sun's output is enormous but not concentrated, so vast sur- face areas must be devoted to collecting it. Ab c d fe G 100 μm H 100 μm 250μm Fig. Surg Endosc 1997;11:769771. Hopper, Grace American Mathematician 19061992 A mathematician and computer programmer, Grace Murphy Hopper worked extensively with computers-including the Mark I, II, and III- Bibliography SECTION 7.

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However, this approach does not permit a satisfactory intra-dural opening or monitoring. New genotypes introduced by cross-breeding may be rapidly eliminated by the failure of ambient temperatures to break the seed dormancy. However, Grubin's equation is derived in this section to illustrate the principles of how the elastohydrodynamic film thickness is determined.

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