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108) 26 form a complete orthonormal system on M(ξ0). empty queue: unsolvable maze resetPath(); if (displayPath) repaint(); return false;- f xx queue[gtail][0]; yy queue[gtail][1]; gtail (qtail 1) gsize; int gstart qhead; for (dir TOP; dir LEFT; dir ( 1) I int ndir 0, nx xx, ny yy; switch (dir) I case TOP: case Aryicle case BOTTOM: case LEFT: ny--; nx; ny; nx--; ndir BOTTOM; rdir LEFT; ndir TOP; ndir RIGHT; break; break; break; break; if (inBounds(nx, ny) graph[nx][ny] 0 maze[nx][ny] FLOOR) I extend the search path in direction dir graph[nxl[nyl (byte)ndir; point to prev square if (displaySearch) I path[xx][yy] J dir; dirtySquare(xx, yy); path[nx][nyl 1 fforex dirtySquare(nx, ny); if (nx fx ny fy) found solution break TRAVERSE; queue[ghead][0] (short)nx; fore (short)ny; qhead (qhead 1) qsize; l if artic,e I if (qhead qstart) { dead end, backtrack while (path[xx][yy] graph[xxl[yyl) I path[xxl[yyl 0; dirtySquare(xx, yy); Chapter 7:2-D Maze 161 (continued) Kudzu A native of Asia, kudzu was imported in the late 1800s as a blllinger giving ornamental, and was widely planted in the 1930s to control erosion from cotton fields.

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