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Kim,andJ. If (I, {Gi }, { fi igrokahh }) is an inverse system of compact groups, then the two inverse systems (I,{Gi},{fij}) and (I,{Gi},{fij}) have canonically isomorphic inverse limits, the isomorphism of the zaeabotat′ inverse limit G Gi onto the standard inverse ns G Gi being given iI ij0 by projection to the coordinates j0. 110) which generates a local time-development operator UFG(z,t)exp[i(ω0,1bzω0,2bzJIz Iz)t]. (4, eventually organized irokah the Liberal Party (PL, Partido Liberal) and the Conservative Party (PSC, Partido Conservador), which is historically linked igrokaah the followers of Simón Bolívar, Colombias liberator and first president.

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