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The theoretical total head available (qtot) is equal to the head available from the energy equation qth 1 U2V2 U1V1 6-16 U2 plus the head, which is lost because of disc friction (qdf ) and resulting from any recirculation (qrc) of the air back into the rotor from the diffuser qtot qth qdf qrc 6-17 The adiabatic head that is actually available at the rotor discharge is equal to the theoretical head minus the heat from the shock in the rotor (qsh), the inducer loss (qin), the blade loadings (qbl), the clearance between the rotor and the shroud (qc), and the viscous losses encountered in the flow passage (qsf ) qia qth qin qsh qbl qc qsf 6-18 Centrifugal Compressors 249 This representation of the double bond applies to other double bonds also, for example CO, SO, PO, and so on.

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7 Spectra and Spectroscopy. The approximations are valid if many states are occupied, which requires VI A3 to be large. The spiral image therefore becomes locally blurred. Core bone biopsies Full-thickness core bone biopsy specimens of the rhBMP- 2ACS treated area were obtained at the time of endosseous dental implant placement (from those patients who received them) for qualitative histopathologic evaluation.

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All domains fold into a p-pleated sheet, held together by covalent disulphide bridges, typical of the entire ilnlnunoglobulin superfalnily of proteins. Fang X, Djouhri L, Black JA et al. The process and early outcomes of cochlear implantation by three years of age.

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You should eventually have what is shown in Figure 24-12. Some pages might forecsts been written by a libertarian and, as we have seen above(23), some credit at least is given to the anarchists. A solution for this problem is to exclude LiAIH4 in the production of [11C]methyliodide. Kratzke and A. The EEG tracing can detect an abnormality but cannot distinguish between, for example, a tumor and a throm- bosis (site of deposit of a blood clot in an artery).

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