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LEONARD A. 2 Regulation p53-Proteins that Positively Regulate p53 Positive Regulators of p53 ATM DNA-PK ATR JNK CDK7cycIIp36 Cdks p38 Casein kinase Protein kinase C P300 PCAF c-Abl p19ARF E2F-1 c-myc Rb Ref-1 PARP BRCA1 P33ING BindingModification of p53 Phosphorylation (ser 15) Phosphorylation (ser 15, 3) Phosphorylation (ser 15) Phosphorylation (ser 33) Phosphorylation (ser 33) Phosphorylation (ser 315) Phosphorylation (ser 392) Phosphorylation (ser 392) Phosphorylation (ser 371, 376, 378) Acetylation(lys382) Acetylation(lys320) Binding to p53, Antagonizing Mdm2 Antagonizing Mdm2 Induction of p19ARF Induction of p19ARF Partially antagonizing mdm2 Regulation of the beach trading inc state Binding to p53 Binding to p53 Binding to p53 Effects on p53 Stabilization, activation Stabilization, activation Stabilization, activation Stabilization(stressed cells) Activation Activation Activation Activation Activation Stabilization, activation Activation Stabilization, activation Stabilization, activation Stabilization, activation Stabilization, activation Stabilization Activation Stabilization, activation Activation Activation protein is controlled by a variety of regulatory mechanisms that act at two levels, that of p53 protein stability and that of biochemical activity, whereby p53 is converted from a latent protein into an active protein.

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