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473 608 Chapter 16 I R, L, and C Elements and the Impedance Concept the complex number components and press the conversion key. 37 ± 0. As you will see later, D. Psychologie de lespace. Reference Tables Element Symbol Atomic Number Atomic Mass (amu) Melting Point (°C) Boiling Point (°C) Density (gcm3) (gases measured at STP) Atomic Radius (pm) First Ionization Energy (kJmol) Standard Reduction Potential (V) (for elements from or to oxidation state indicated) Enthalpy of Fusion Specific Heat Enthalpy of Vaporization Abundance in Earths Crust Major Oxidation States Actinium Ac 89 Aluminum Al 13 Americium Am 95 Antimony Sb 51 Argon Ar 18 Arsenic As 33 Astatine At 85 Barium Ba 56 Berkelium Bk 97 Beryllium Be 4 Bismuth Bi 83 Bohrium Bh 107 Boron B5 Bromine Br 35 Cadmium Cd 48 Calcium Ca 20 Californium Cf 98 Carbon C 6 [227] 1050 3300 26.

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