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406i approximately. 8) are not involved in the reaction. SSSA Book Series. 888 cm" (26. See Spores, formation Sporophytes, 2:165, 4:16, 7677, 77 defined, 1:105, 2:123, 4:20 and Glossary genetic variation in sporophyte generation, 2:134135 origins and evolution, 2:123124, 4:1718 See also Alternation of genera- tions; specific plant groups Sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI), 1:102 Sporopollenin, 2:123 Sporotrichosis, 2:165 Sporulate, defined, 3:185 and Glossary Sprengel, Carl, 4:62 Spruce (Picea), 2:19, 22, 23, 4:59, 173, 174 Spurges, 3:146 Squamulose lichens, 3:60 Squash, 1:6, 2:158, 159, 161, 4:156 pest defenses, 2:55, 61 See also specific types Squash carda borer, 2:62 Squirrels, 2:20, 3:46, 4:9, 43, 139 Sri Lanka, 1:69, 4:106 SSI.

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