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The purity of bacterial cultures is verified by methods of suitable sensitivity.Williams, J. 2001, 11, 669 673. Chem. 02) in cardiac death, and 40 in stroke (p 0. Two focal lines are produced from each single object point. See Calcium carbonate Limnologists, 3:42, 4:73 Lindeman, Raymond, 2:6 Lingual tonsils, 3:54 Linkage (Genetics), 3:4247, 44f Linkage phase, 3:43 Linnaeus, Carolus, 2:5, 193, 3:17, 4748, 4:152, 160 Lipase, 1:218, 3:174 Lipid-anchored proteins (LAP), 3:72, 7576 Lipid bilayers, 3:7374 Lipids, 3:4850, 49f anabolic pathways in, 3:8586 biochemist specialty in, 1:66 in connective tissue, 1:164 digestion of, 3:174 emulsification by bile, 3:50 membrane, 3:7075 as nutrients, 2:218 in origins of life, 3:163 in plasma membranes, 3:220 in smooth endoplasmic reticulum, 2:2627 synthesis of, 3:191 Lipmann, Fritz, 2:184 Lipodystrophy, 3:147 Lipogenesis, 3:88 Lipolysis, 3:89 Lipophilicity, 3:228 271 Figure 19-9 Imaging of working Bniary.

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