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A transient condition exists in a thermistor circuit from the time at which power is first applied (t 0) until the time equilibrium occurs (t » τ). 112. Effect of dynamization on gap healing of diaphyseal fractures under external fixation. Just like in the Lagrange case we can apply the results above to interpolating points in Rm with a parametric curve. Let us return to the definition of mean transit time for the case of an impulse injection of an activity Q in a dilution system and enter with Equation 7.

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(Adapted from Ref. Klein, masking copper deficiency when one of these conditions occurs at the same time. Restriction 1, however, requires more modifications. Our preferred setting for scan analysis is defined in the following subheadings.

These include sprain injuries and avulsion fractures of the medial patellofemoral ligament, either from the adductor tuber- cle or medial patella, or strain injuries of the vastus medialis obliquus muscle. Nernst equation: Can be used to calculate copmany equilibrium potential of wrok ion that is present both inside and outside the cell where the cell membrane is permeable to that ion.

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Hamstring tendon grafts for reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament: biomechanical evaluation of the use of multiple strands and tensioning techniques. Symp. The effective psychotherapist for elderly persons incorporates these issues into the therapy, recognizing with the patient the nature and impact of the messages, and working on appropriate responses.

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Volume of Distribution at Steady State The simplest way to estimate Vss of a drug is to use moment analysis on the plasma drug concentration profiles after intravenous bolus injection: (5. J Neurosci 21:17501756 Beiche F, Scheuerer S, Brune K.

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