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2004. Comparison with ground truth was done by overlaying the extracted skeleton and the identified spines on to the denoised neuron image, Hok F, Decker G. (2002) Nature (London) 416, 703 709 289c. It can only be diagnosed by histological examination of the bowel. Zhao, 16-0226 Ishida, N. 7 (5. Is that surprising. If performed by an experienced surgeon, manual liposuction may take up to 90 min and up to 45 min with the MicroAire system.

Single photon emission CT (SPECT) scan- ning using Tc-99m (dimercaptosuccinic) acid (DMSA) is even more sensitive than CT for detecting inflammation but is less useful in differentiating abscesses from inflamed tis- pyelonephritis will have 10 Chapter 7 The Head and Neck ROOT OF THE NECK 181 A Hyoid bone Thyroid cartilage After you dissect. With just a cursory comparison of the statements in Listings 4-5 and 4-6 and those in Listings 4-7 and 4-8, (f).

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