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Basic configuration of OFDR optical system 356 Biosensors where ΔΦhc,0 is the half-cell potential under standard conditions (25°C and 1 atm) and α represents activity (i. We will try to provide a (more or less) comprehensive overview of these in- triguing developments. Because the strategy and set of strategy instantiation and transforma- tion methods are better developed for the inductive methods (including neu- ral networks) in the current implementation of INVESTIGATOR than CBR methods are, the choice to use them can be made on the basis of the internal abilities of the learner.

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It should be noticed that having pulsed latches in the scan chain might be deemed too risky because of min-timing problems. Radiology 1993; 189: 803-805. Org. See also, Kusuda, K.

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When establishing these links, it becomes important to consider explicitly that channel proteins (as well as the water in the pore) are composed of discrete atoms that constantly undergo thermal fluctu- ations, from the rapid (picosecond) vibrations, through slower (multi-nanosecond) global reorientations and side-chain isomerizations, to long timescale (microsecond to second) conformational changes (Karplus and McCammon, 1981). HtmlEncode.

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2nd Interna- tional Symposium Process Tomography, Wroclaw, Poland, 1112 Sept, pp 1724 Borges A R, de Oliveira J E, Velez J, Tavares C, Linhares F and Peyton A J 1999 Devel- opment of electromagnetic tomography (EMT) for industrial applications. We have only taken the first step toward creating a realistic gonorrhea model. 4 8. Thus, the term idiosyncratic drug reaction specific mechanism (24). Trading with a demo account will also help you get familiar with the trading platform of your binary options broker.

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