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When you expand the widget to see all three panes, letter-by-letter reading is carried out by the left hemisphere using letter Appendix 3: The Next 40 This table is a list of 40 important discoveries that almost made the final list of the greatest 100. Pathology The resected colon contained 30 polyps that were characterized by long pedicles of up to 30mm in length and frequently branched, or uniparental disomy for paternal allele, or mutations in UBE3A gene Microbrachycephaly, macrostomia, ataxia (puppet movements), mental retardation with severe language impairment; epilepsy Fragile X syndrome Excessive fragility of chromosomes cultured in folate-deficient medium; triplet repeat expansion in the FMR1 gene Mental retardation; tall stature; long face; large, soft ears; macro-orchidism after puberty; ataxia in older males Klinefelter syndrome 47, XXY Gynecomastia, hypogonadism, mental retardation Prader-Willi syndrome 15q13 deletion (paternal allele), or uniparental disomy for maternal allele Hypotonia, hernias, and failure to thrive in infancy; voracious appetite and obesity in childhood; mental retardation, hypogonadism, short stature XYY syndrome 47,XYY Tall stature, learning disabilities Trisomy X 46,XXX Varies from no phenotype to minor dysmorphism and tall stature with learning disabilities to mental retardation (rare) Turner syndrome 45,X Short stature, webbed neck, edema of hands and feet in neonates; mental retardation; full expression of X-linked recessive disorders (eg, Duchenne muscular dystrophy) Williams syndrome 7q deletion (involves elastin gene) Supravalvular aortic stenosis, neonatal hypercalcemia, elfin facies 545646 566 Yong-Ping Cao et al.

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