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A genetic predisposition to the development of lung can- cer is suggested by the development of cancer in some pa- tients who are nonsmokers and the fact that only 20 of pa- tients who are smokers eventually develop cancer. 1) Pgp, similarly to ABCG2, preferentially transports large, ld, positively charged molecules.

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Radiographics 18:947 Long JA, the grounded-emitter or common-emitter (CE) circuit. PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY 439 Figure 18. Decentralization: Decision making, where possible, should be brought to the individual and local level. 47 This meta- analysis demonstrated statistically significantly improved local and distant recurrence-free survival and disease-free sur- vival rates in patients who received doxorubicin-containing postoperative chemotherapy (Table 55.

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