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After a bit of experimentation, we find that at c 1. Although Expressionism did not constitute a cohesive movement or ho- mogenous style, attention has been directed to the origins of the word and its meanings in critical discourse as well as to the con- tingent issues of art, society, and politics framing Expressionist avant-garde culture. Another type of locomotion made possible by hydrostatic skeletons is the jet propulsion used by squids and octopuses.

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WaddellGetal. A comparison of GDP fig- ures shows that the world's richest nations are thousands of times more productive than the poorest countries, The second column of figures in Table 12-1 divides GDP by the entire population size to give an estimate of what people can buy with their income in the local economy. Vel. This response is called GLUCOSEGlucose Tolerance 407 (a) the naive model, with no random effects (that is, both bi and dij are degenerated at zero); (b) the level-1 hierarchical model that just incorporates location-specific ran- dom effects bi, but with no time-dependent random effects dij; (c) the level-2 (variance component) hierarchical model that includes both random effects bi and dij, but the variance matrix of random effects D of the random effects vector γi (bi,di1,di2)T is assumed to be a diag- onal structure, denoted by D diag(τ1τ2τ2 ), where τ1 and τ2 are the respective variances of bi and dij; (d) the level-2 (full) hierarchical model as specified in (c) with a general vari- ance matrix D (τij)3×3.

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