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Descriptions of castration as practiced in 1929 note that despite the crudeness of the operation most patients healed in about a hundred days, although about two percent died as the result of hemorrhage or infection.

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For any real f4, we must have and I(1:i:0)(x1x3 x21 x2, f4) I(1:i:0)(x1x3 x21 x2, f4) I(1:i:0)(x3, f4) I(1:i:0)(x3, f4), Otion only the cases where j0 j1 and k0 k1 are possible. The reaction will be favoured by high vibrational energies. This method was used for the determination of ciprofloxacin in human urine and serum samples with a recovery of 100 in all cases.

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