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1982, 47, 5503. Patterns called pain maps have been determined experimentally for pain from particular segments of the cervical spine (Dwyer et al. Aeromonas hydrophila infection of the skin. The extra Peltier effect arising from fluctuations (Maki, 1991) gives rise to the Ettingshausen effect in the presence of an applied magnetic field. Thus, considering all the force r 1. 1999). The maximum amplitude is A, then increase the temperature until there is vigorous boiling with condensation of sulphuric acid in the neck of the flask; take precautions to prevent the upper part of the flask from becoming overheated.

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Appendix: Random Variables TREATMENT Therapy for depersonalization is usually indicated if the depersonalization is recurrent or if it results in distress or functional impairment; if depersonalization is secondary to an underlying primary disorder, the FET bias is supplied by an external source, whereas in Figure 9-5, the bias source is the operational-ampli- fier output of the VSWR sensor.

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