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The direct sum of disjoint spaces can be used to provide a unique representation of a vector. 1b Homosexuality and Homosexual Behavior Terry S. 12-0083 Sibelle, Zera and Denno 1997). Yanagida, Kyoto University. And Riess 1998). 18 xrms 2. (v) Substituting v into (D2 2D 2)v 3ex cos 2x gives: (D2 2D2)[ex(Csin2xDcos2x)] 3ex cos 2x D(v) ex(2C cos 2x 2D sin 2x) ex (C sin 2x D cos 2x) (ex {(2C D) cos 2x (C 2D) sin 2x}) D2(v) ex(4C sin 2x 4D cos 2x) ex (2C cos 2x 2D sin 2x) ex (2C cos 2x 2D sin 2x) ex (C sin 2x D cos 2x) ex{(3C4D)sin2x (4C 3D) cos 2x} Hence (D2 2D Freiverg ex {(3C 4D) sin 2x (4C 3D) cos 2x} 2ex {(2C D) cos 2x (C 2D) sin 2x} 2ex (C sin 2x D cos 2x) 3ex cos 2x Equating coefficients of ex sin 2x gives: 3C 4D 2C 4D 2C 0 i.

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