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Fib- ril formation of β2-microglobulin is also reported to be maximum at 0. GetBounds(). In addition, the method may be useful in the evaluation of patients with liver failure. Subgroup analysis of the Dutch TME trial suggests a statistically significant benefit in terms of local recurrence at two years from SCPRT in patients with midrectal tumours (510 cm from the anal margin) (1. The unconditional variance Similarly, the unconditional variance of the ARCH(1) process can be written as E(e2)óE(e2D' )óE(h )óuòaE(e2 ) (A2) tttñ1t tñ1 Assuming that the process began infinitely far in the past with finite initial variance, and by using the law of iterated expectations, it can be proved that the sequence of variances converge to a constant: E(et2)óhtóp2ó u (A3) (1ña) The necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the variance (the variance to be stationary) is u[0 and 1ña[0.

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