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13-7, 8) and simplifying, we write -d- [2yJ 2yJ - A. 7 Heat conduction in a slab (Example 2. Ovariectomy the surgical removal of one or both ovaries. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 6 third law of motion, 97-99,209, 211,342 universal gravitation, 341 Newton's rings, 1039-40, 1044 Newton's second law, 797 Nodes, 415 Noise levels, 422 Noise-canceling headphones, 447 Noncircular orbits, properties of, 348 Nonconservative forces, 171-72, 198-200 friction as, 171 sliding friction as, 171 Nonharmonic period waves, 452 Noninertial forces, 99 Noninertial frames of reference, 99-103 and circular motion, 140-41 Nonohmic materials, 746 Nonpolar molecules, 730 Nonrigid bodies: angular momentum, 296-98 astrophysical example, 297-98 Normal force, 91,106,123 Normalization condition, 555 North pole, 792 Northern lights, Earth's magnetic field and, 803 Nozzles, 476 nth harmonic, 416,419 n-type semiconductors, 754, 1190 sizeinternal distribution of mass and charge, 1213-15 spin, 1215-16 static properties of, 1207-16 terminology, 1211 Nuclides, 1211 stability of, 1214-15 Null experiments, 675 Null vector, 18 Number density, 742 Nutation, 303 Object, 999 Objective lens, 1018 refracting telescope, 1021 Observation, 2 Occupied energy level, 1138 Ocular, 10 18 Oersted, Hans Christian, 610,791, 807,820-21 Ohm (0), 745,A-l Ohmic heating, 756 Ohmic material, 745 Ohmmeters, 776, 783 Ohm's law, 745,746,758 Oil drop experiment, 659 O'Keefe, J.

(12. The side of the osteoclast facing the bone has a ruffled border with many deep infoldings of the plasma membrane, increasing its surface area. Sibling-3duPoss] means brothers of them two (two sisters) or sisters of them two (two brothers), with the possessor sought outside the denoted sibling set, whereas insertion of the dyad morpheme matag into this phrase, giving yoge matag teˆta-yoˆ, forces the possessor to be sought inside the group, yielding the dyad reading brother-sister pair, i.

Foundations should be designed to be capable of being con- structed economically and without risk of protracted delays. If some form of lung shadowing is recognized, a dif- ferential diagnosis has to be made and the resulting therapeutic interventions have to be initiated (see Sect.

Mechanostruktur und Mechanofunction der Dura mater des Men- schen. 003 0. The movement of food out of the stomach, up the esophagus, and out of the mouth is called regurgitation. Sports Illustrated 1986;65:348. Other Properties Size and Internal Distribution of Mass and Charge: When the energy of a particle bombarding an atom is increased to the point at which the particle can penetrate the nucle- us, we can study the internal structure of the nucleus by analyzing the distribution of the scattering, This is a refinement of Rutherford's experiments.

Scanning probes now allow us to perform engineering operations on single molecules, atoms, and bonds, thereby providing a tool that operates at the ultimate limits of fabrication.

19) n 14 r 0.1990. PRYKA,Chem. ; for IO class PriorityQ { array in sorted order, from max at 0 to min at size-1 private int maxSize; private double[] queArray; private int nItems; ------------------------------------------------------------- public PriorityQ(int s) constructor { - 115 - Index 369 CD disk drive described, 101102 discerning, 103104 disk types, 103 ejecting disk, 104105 inserting disk, 104 recordable, 102 speed rating (X number), 102103 CDDVD drive, 95 CD-R, 103 CD-ROM booting from, 100 defined, 20 disk drive, evolution of, 20 installing software, 280 CD-RW data, 295 discerning, 103 Celeron microprocessor, 74 central processing unit (CPU), 19, 73 chair, adjusting, 141 characters, filename, 246 child folder, 255 chipset, 80 clicking mouse, generally, 145 Web link, 318319 client-server network, 194 clipped CDs, 104 clock console, 7879 file date-and-time stamp, 244 inaccuracy of, 78 Internet, synchronizing, 79 setting, 7879 closing case, 72 Internet Explorer, 316 Outlook Express, 330 CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black), 154 C|NET Search Web site, 321 color, monitor, 128 color printers, 153 colors, adjusting, display, 127128 COM port, 24 COMCOM1 port, 86 compressed folder, 262 computer game, mouse use and, 143, 145 computer magazine, 365 COMSerial, shapes, symbols, and colors, 26 condenser mics, 176 connecting devices to USB ports, 87 Internet, 307308 wireless networking, 234236 connector colors and symbols, 2627 connectors, 21 console battery, 7980 chipset, 80 clock, 7879 connector colors and symbols, 2627 defined, 19 expansion slots, 7677 front components, 2022 inner components, 7071 IO panel, 2425 microprocessor, 7376 modem, connecting, 168 motherboard, 7273 power supply, 81 rear components, 2223 setup, 30 turning off, 53 console case closing, 72 opening, 7172, 80 Context, keyboard.

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