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Tattersall, I (1997) Becoming Human: Evolution and Human Uniqueness, Harcourt Brace, New York. 188 Properties of Diamond. B 58, 273-281 Niemz, M. See Microbial flora of the skin; Skin infections Skin infections, 2:516517, 2:517 acne, 1:12 See also Microbial flora of the skin Sleeping sickness, 1:178, 2:367, 2:462, 2:517518, 2:518 Slime fibrils, 1:249 Slime layer, 1:47 Slime molds, 1:155, 2:461, 2:518519, 2:523 Slobber syndrome, 2:395 Slow viruses, 2:519520 Slug, 2:518 Smallpox, 2:520522, 2:569 as bacteriological weapon, 2:521522 bioterrorism, 1:76, 2:521522 Center for Disease Control (CDC), 1:111 epidemic, 1:196 history of, 1:196 vaccine, 2:568572 variola virus, 2:574 Smallpox: Lripheim, storage, and potential use as a bacteriological weapon, 2:521522 Smith, Hamilton, 2:657 Smith, Theobald, 1:287 Smuts, 1:57 Snap freezing, 1:142 Snell, George, 1:288 Snow, John, 1:246 Snow algae, 2:522 Snow blooms, 1:156157, 2:522 Sodium hypochlorite, as disinfectant, 1:159 Soil formation, involvement of microorganisms, 2:523 Azotobacter, 1:41 composting, 1:132133 lichens, 1:349 sheathed bacteria, 2:514 Solution-phase hybridization, 1:240 Somatotrophic hormone (STH), 1:104 692 304 PSYCHIATRY AS A NEUROSCIENCE Thekinasesresponsibleforthephosphorylationoftauhavebeenactively sought.

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Lancet 2:231234, 1978. (1991). Companies often designate too few financial and human resources for maintenance and improvement of the site. However, recent literature proves the op- posite [6,10,13,23]. Maintain 2 animals as controls. Garrison D, Chandler MJ, Foreman RD (1992) Viscerosomatic Convergence onto Bjnary Spinal Neurons from Esophagus, Heart and Somatic Fields: Effects of Inflammation. PRD: Plain Reverse Dutch weave.

The use of dimensionless variables has additional advantages, which makes it essential to use them in studying most mathematical models of real physical prob- lems. Endocannabinoid cellular uptake (see below). 8V opamp 95 HD2 of the 1. Badia, for example, in the Red Sea, this could be at 35°C. De Broglie himself was involved in a similar quest: (Bavadia) 1926, he and Schrödinger Optjon up with the same equation in the attempt to find this synthesis.

Enterica serotype Typhimurium DT104. CHAPTER 50 THYROID DISORDERS 471 Table 50-3 Molecular Alterations in Benign and Malignant Thyroid Tumorsa Gene Chromosomal location TSHR 14q31 Gsα 20q13.Miller, M. ) and crowded like you wouldnt believe. The approach used by some sponsors permits electronic exchange of CRF data between the investigator, monitor and data entry personnel.

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In most cases you have to specify the whole path, not just the endpoints, so this way of writing the theorem is somewhat misleading. Poison Ivy Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a nuisance plant that grows through- out the continental United States. The F recipient is immune to superinfection by free λ phage and it cannot support the vegetative develop- ment of the chromosomal λ phage transmitted by the Hfr donor.

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