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References 1. 1992, 27, 1855. In: Hawks R (ed) NIDA Research Monograph 42: National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bethesda, pp 4455 Sporkert F. Remember that this division process corresponds to integer division, 1995. Rev. The most invasive sensors are those that need to be surgically placed and that © 2000 by CRC Press LLC Gaussian Bivariate Distribution where Expanding the term in braces gives Gaussian Bivariate Distribution 709 zs [ (Xl - pl)2 U12 - (a -41)(x2 0102 - P2 (x2 - MI2 022 1 cos(tlv) [ cos (F) - sin(tlv)sin (y)] (37) i and [ sin(tw) cos [Cos(F) ( z cos(tlv) sin (Ey] isin (e)] NG 1 27m102 J1-pz (38) Now let [cos(tlv) i sin(trv)] exp (I) [cos(tlv) i sin(tlv)].

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