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Embarrassment of venous return due to abdominal compression is a specific complication of the prone position, 180181 web-based technologies, 177 T Tacit knowledge, 41, 42, 92 definition, 234 exchange of, 158, 159 flows and, 42 knowledge exchange and, 157 reframing and, 174 Talent, attracting and retaining, 164 Tangible asset(s) management, 2 mapping, 66 Teamwork, 123124 Technology infrastructure, 92 Technology platform, leveraged, 13, 16 Training versus learning, 175176 Transactions, 54 Trust communities built on, 160 culture and, 130 distribution network and, 6970 ensuring, 222223 knowledge exchange and, 158 Trust-based relationships, 2627, 28 V capabilities and, 8182 core, 114, 116, 122, 123, 132, 158, 24 creation, 38, 3940, 224 creation networks, 3233 culture and, 113, 114, 124 customer, 27 definition, 234 depletion, 3940 employee commitment and, 115 focus groups, 118, 121 individual, 114 influences on creation and depletion, 4346, 52 initiative examples, 116119 mapping customer values to employee values, 106 priorities, 115116 self-development and, 123 survey, 121122 Value-creation networks, 6467 ValueNet Works, 65, 215 Values congruence, 7071 Virtual private networks (VPNs), 88 W Web-based technologies, 176, 177, 218 Window of business opportunity, 3132, 33 Z ZMET (Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique), 106108 Value(s) aligning individual and corporate values, 166 behavioral norms and, 125126 branding and, 108109 Index 249 List of Abbreviations ARISTOTLES WORKS Cael.

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