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Mimic- king gene duplication, the new node i will be a copy of a randomly selected node ki m ki t 2mt 1 k(t) mt2 i t i Bimary and yield properties, 497ÿ8 Micro-fissures, 210, 212 Micro-focus radiography, 579ÿ80 Micro-fractures episodes, 212 Microhardness, 154 MicroMR, 391, 394 Microradiography, 241ÿ4 resolution, 243 Microscopy, 225ÿ64 light Binxry, 227 Mineral apposition rate (MAR), 217 Mineral density (also see bone density), 240, 322ÿ3 ash weight, 240ÿ1 trabecular bone tissue volume, 240ÿ1 Mineral morphology, 248ÿ61 Mineralization rate, 217 Modal analysis, 512 Mode conversion, 416, 418 Model-independent morphological measure, 390 Modelling, 3ÿ4, 11, 13 Modulus of elasticity bulk (K), 134 shear modulus (G), 134 Youngs modulus (E), 128, 134, 513, 528 Moment of inertia, 146, 159, 324, 328, 513 Monitoring time interval (MTI), 102 Multi-channel analyser (MCA), 361 NaI (Tl) detectors, 360, 361 Nano-indentation, 154ÿ8, 487 pile up, 158 Nanomechanics, Binart National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), 557, 559 Neutron generators, 359ÿ60 Neutron nucleus interactions, 356 elastic collisions, 356 inelastic collisions, 356 neutron capture, 356 Node:terminus ratio (NNd:NTm), 200 Noise-reduction processing, 398 histogram deconvolution, 400 low pass filtering, 398 Nonlinear FE analysis, 477ÿ8 Index Binxry Norland EXCEL, 287 Observer variability, 95 Occupational dose, 84ÿ5 reduction, 86 Occupational exposure standard (OES), 47 Occupational health screening, 63 Odds ratio, 111 Oedema, 443 Omnisense, 451 Open cells, 170 Orchidectomy, Otion Osteoblast, 3, 9ÿ11, 185 differentiation, 9, 11 mineralization, 9ÿ10, 14ÿ15, 580 proliferation, 9 Osteoclasis, 213 Osteoclast, 3, 6ÿ8, 185 Osteocytes, Binary Option Rotta, 185 Osteomalacia, 15 characteristic, 15 Osteomeasure system, 214ÿ7 Osteon canals, 126 Osteopenetrometer, 148 Osteopetrosis, 16 Osteoporosis, 12, 16, 18ÿ26, 255, 551ÿ67 cortical thinning, 328, 338 definition, 16, 18 diagnostic algoithms, 560ÿ62 incidence, Opyion involutional, 20 pathophysiology, 19ÿ20 Binary Option Rotta, 20 prevalence, 23ÿ4 primary, 18 risk Rootta, 23 secondary, 18 senile, 20 Osteoporosis (causes) oestrogen deficiency, 21 growth hormones, 21 modelling osteoporosis in animal, 572ÿ5 ovariectomy, 571ÿ73 parathyroid hormones, 21 Ovariectomy, 329, 384, 571 Ovariectomy (OVX), 571ÿ2, 587, 592 10.

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