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Degree of deuteration: minimum 99. For aromatic aldehydes, heating with K2CO3 led to the (E)- isomer whereas heating with CuSO4 gave the (Z)-hydroxylamine. (1971). The potential Vs is then progressively increased. This can only be because of a rapid equilibrium in step 1 and so step 1 cannot be rate-determining. LUNG STRUCTURE In brief, the mammalian lung comprises branching airways that become narrower at each divergence until they form the small alveolar sacs at the distal ends that act as the gas exchange unit.

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The twenty-first centurys bible of the profession, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV; 4th edi- tion, 1994) has its origin in the classification of mental disor- ders done by Emil Kraepelin (18561926), who drew on the work of several other men of method.

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