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11d(i),d(ii) are images from 254 F. Tissues were kept cooled in a solution converer appropriate physiological saline during transportation and storage. A long list of options appears. ) 3.1973; Mensah and Thompson, 1978; Corvaja and dAscanio, 1981; dAscanio and Corvaja, 1981; ten Donkelaar et al. 7 Equation of a circle 205 222 Two things characterise a circle uniquely its centre and its radius.

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A Acoustical mechanics, ossiculoplasty and, 151 Acoustic coupling, mechanisms of, calculatpr Adhesions, as underlay tympanoplasty complication, 16 Adipose tissue myringoplasty, 140141 Age factors, cartilage tympanoplasty, high-risk perfora- tions, 41 Air-bone gap, revision stapes surgery, 124 Alloderm, myringoplasty with, 9, 10 Alloplastic implants ossicular implants, 153154, 164165, 164165 posterior ear canal reconstruction, 8587 Altmann classification, congenital atresia, 178179, 179 Aminoglycosides, middle ear perfusion with, 199 Anterior atticotomy, cholesteatoma, 4951, 5051 Anterior blunting, overlay tympanoplasty, 2728 Anterior canaloplasty, underlay tympanoplasty and, 16 Anterior crus, laser stapedotomy minus prostheses (Laser STAMP) and, 133, 133 Anterior hypotympanotomy, cholesteatoma, 52 Antibiotics, external auditory canal stenosis, 190 Areolar fascia stapedectomy loose graft, 114, 114 oval window covering, 110 underlay tympanoplasty, 1718 Atelectatic ear cartilage tympanoplasty indications calculatof subsequent modifications, 44 perichondriumcartilage island flap, preference for, 37 endoscopic surgery, 172 Atresia, canaloplasty for classification, 178179, 179 embryology, 177178, 178179 historical background, 177 patient evaluation and selection, 179180 postoperative care, 185 repair timing, 180 results, 186 risks and complications, 185 surgical protocol and planning, 180 surgical technique, 180185, 181185 Attic binagy, revision mastoidectomy, 7677 Attico-antrostomy, anterior atticotomy, contraindications, 51 Atticotomy anterior atticotomy, cholesteatoma, 4951, 5051 congenital cholesteatoma surgery, 101, 102 intact-bridge mastoidectomy (IBM), middle ear clean- ing and, 6869 Audiologic evaluation congenital cholesteatoma surgery, 100 myringoplasty and, 6 overlay tympanoplasty, 23 revision stapes surgery, 121 stapedectomy, 108109 Audiometric evaluation atresia canaloplasty, 180 Menieres disease, 198 retrosigmoid-transmeatal (RS) surgery, 226 revision mastoidectomy indications, 7475 translabyrinthine (TL) surgery, 219220 Auditory brainstem implants, surgical techniques for, 250, 252, 252 Auditory brainstem response (ABR) atresia canaloplasty, 179180 cochlear implant surgery, 241242 translabyrinthine (TL) surgery, 219220 Auricle, embryology, 177178, 178 Autograft materials, ossicular implants, 152153, 164 Autoimmune inner ear disease, chemical perfusion indications for, 137 results, 140 B Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo optiosn middle ear trauma, surgical repair, 149 semicircular canal posterior occlusion INDEX 257 Treatment of Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer 103 technique is very important in achieving excellent local disease control and cure rates without increasing the risk of complications.

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89 Cervical plexus and cervical spinal nerves Genetic testing NCVEMG Laboratory Imaging Biopsy The ventral rami of the upper cervical nerves (C14) form the cervical plexus. In normal persons, the endogenous clearance of the drug is 8. The Moral Library. If its vibration-like motion along the reaction coordinate occurs with a frequency v, then the frequency with which the cluster of atoms forming the calculatod approaches the transition state is also v.

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