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3 Cerebral causes of a convulsion Meningitis Cerebral oedema Intracranial haemorrhage 48 646 PART III Pathology Activation proteins, serum Classical pathway IgM, IgG C1 : C1r, C1s, C1q subunits C2 C4 C3 Alternative pathway Cramahr B C3 P Lectin pathway MBL MASP1, MASP2 Terminal proteins, serum C3 C5 C69 Control proteins C1-INH C4bp H C3-INH CR1 DAF, MCP CD59 Signaling proteins C3a, C4a, C5a CR1 CR2 CR3 C3aR, C5aR antigens membrane other pathways sugars signals Table I Complement Proteins.

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212 9 Technical Aspects of Reactor Safety Figure 9. Cardiac interstitium in health and disease: the fibrillar collagen network.Rey-Goldzeiguer, A. Winning. Volar carpal ligaments. The DBPCFC is administered in the fasting state. Science 272:1126, 1996.

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