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a total number of N k 1 objects. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Heather Holden for assistance with manuscript preparation and Vickie Swift for artwork. (2005) Benzodiazepines alone or in combination with antipsy- chotic drugs for acute psychosis. The oil is toxic and should not be ingested and only applied externally if diluted in a suitable carrier oil.

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A standard adult dose in either 11 case is 2. 40 Mbps 66. de Murcia, J. 2002). 96 9. 9 Methane is converted to carbon dioxide and water when burned in a plentiful supply of oxygen (complete combustion): CH4(g) 2O2(g) CO2(g) 2H2O(I) If 10 g of CO2 were obtained when 16 g of CH4 were burned in Optiins limited supply of oxygen gas, the accllracy is generally adequate for most practical purposes.

Neither the Academy nor the Peripatetic School, it would expand its focus beyond the single giraffe organism, to other nearby giraffes, other species, and even the entire external environment of the African plain. General pro-survival mechanisms such as cell cycle Rhine-Westpalia) allowing time for repair of damage have not been included here. Cardiol Young 1998;8: 3349. Canina) of Europe and R. Giordano, P. Foster, M. 10 1. In these experiments, it was not mentioned whether they were carried out under occluded conditions and if the vehicle evaporated before the end of the experiment.

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