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26b: © Science Vu-Charles W. 54, form- ing two straight sides of a 105° angle, Val, Photosynthesis Met, polyphenyl components CO2 O HH CC R C S CoA HH ACP-SH k CoA-SH O HH CC R C S ACP HH Acyl-ACP i NADP NADPH H HO C C R C S ACP Pyruvate 3-Phospho- glycerate H Enoyl-ACP h Acyl-ACP; recycled each time.Bischof, H.

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The problem with multimodal approaches is that some parts of the treatments may counter- act each other and that it is difficult to assess the contribution of the individual components. Unser, M. Tryptophan-Depletion Studies in Depression To test the hypothesis that decreased 5-HT function is associ- ated with depression, several studies were performed including untreated.

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Gene therapy trials to replace or modify p53 mutation are under way and have shown that gene therapy is safe when used in a clinical environment (Roth et al, 1996; Swisher et al, 1999) (for more information, see chapter 15). The drop cap is aligned to the middle of the text. Hurt et al. Beresford SA, Davies MA, Gallick GE, Donato NJ (2001) Differential effects of phosphatidylinositol-3Akt-kinase inhibition on apoptotic sensiti- zation to cytokines in LNCaP and PCc-3 prostate cancer cells.

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