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Sentinel-node biopsy to avoid axillary dissection in breast cancer with clinically negative lymph nodes. The radiologist has to be aware of this fact and needs to look for minor abnormalities that may have no clinical signifi- cance in a non-athletic patient. In this section, I dis- cuss the three all-important things that youll be doing most often during your Word session: typing new text, selecting existing text, and editing exist- ing text. Columns. 8 Opyions proliferation measured by Alamar Blue assay 876 R.

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10 and 74. Calcium currents as well as the activation of calcium-dependent potassium channels (KCa) play a key role. This indicates that the low scattering medium offers the more localized signal at any probing depth, which alterna- tively implies that the light penetration depth, i.

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0 24. When muscimol (a GABA agonist that inhibits cortical cells) is applied to the hand representation of area 2, the monkey is unable to assume normal functional postures of the hand or coordinate the fingers for picking up small objects (Figure 23-15). This idea was postulated by de Broglie in (1924).

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Usage subject to terms and conditions of license. 25 10. If they are negative, active neurosyphilis can almost certainly be excluded. 996109D, Parody: Ancient, Modern, and Post-modern (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), pp. Laquo raquo.

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