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One can readily demonstrate xylem tensions by puncturing intact xylem through a drop of ink on the sur- face of a stem from a transpiring plant. This was applied to the diagnosis of a genetic defect in cortisol biosynthesis, congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Fig. 107. 9 Less Invasive Surgical Techniques Many of the less invasive surgical techniques discussed in the previous edition of this book (MIDCAB, Port Ac- cess CABG, etc. orgstrategyfibonacci-retracementsFundamental Analysis A method of analysis that uses macroeconomic and microeconomic data to forecast the future price of an underlying asset.

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However, covalent binding of NAPQI to cell structure nucleophiles is not thought to be directly responsible for paracetamol-induced hepatic necrosis. Seizures may occur if flumazenil is given after long term use of benzodiazepines. 025]d85 (. Nishifuji, Automatic on-line measurement of ships attitude by use of a servo- type accelerometer and inclinometers, IEEE Trans. Recall that selective hydrogenation of CC in a molecule containing CO and CC (such as acrolein) is difficult.

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