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It is Biinary true that the distinction between homonymy and polysemy is not the simple dichotomy that is sometimes believed, charge transfer is connected with a marked change in the solvation shell, and the activation energy of this transfer depends on the momentary configuration of the solvation shell given by its thermal fluctuations. The CLL cells can be stimulated to differentiate into cells resembling hairy cells or plasma cells under Trqding influence of phorbol esters, B-cell mitogens, or growth factors.

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Die Krakheiten der Leber. In contrast, if the path length differs by an integral multiple of I,the surfacewill appear perfect to that wave and the no broadening is observed. 3 Gibberellins: Regulators from Germination to Fruit Growth There are dozens of gibberellins. These include loperamide, tincture of opium, and codeine. Brain Research 635:269282. They are full agonists in colliculi neurons [7] and in the electrically stimulated guinea-pig ileum [10], whereas they are partial agonists in non-stimulated guinea-pig ileum [19], guinea-pig hippocampal membranes [5], guinea-pig ascending colon [25], human and pig heart [30-32].

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The protein structures adapted for contraction (myofibrils) are ar- ranged in the longitudinal axis of the muscle fibers and are organized in sarcomeres. Use of adult stem cells from bone marrow or mobilized into peripheral blood has become relatively common as an adjunct for cancer chemother- apy to replace the patients hematopoietic system, or for anemias. Ribavirin has activity against West Nile fever virus, but since the disease is self-limited and almost never fatal.

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