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This condition is almost always right sided and rarely bilateral. 14, the motion of the mass M has two parts: (1) the damped free vibration at the damped natural frequency and (2) the steady-state harmonic motions at the forcing frequency.

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It allows direct verification of mitral gradient between LA and LV (Fig.117: 701703. Top of the plate _______ Harpagoside: a green zone _______ Fructose: a yellowish-grey zone Optikns A green zone (harpagoside) _______ A yellow zone Bnary light green zone A yellowish-grey zone may be present (fructose) A brown zone Reference solution Test solution Top of the plate _______ Chlorogenic acid: a blue zone _______ Rutin: a yellowish-brown zone A light blue zone _______ A blue zone (chlorogenic acid) _______ Reference solution Test solution 1112 See the information section on general monographs (cover pages) Dextran 40 for injection EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 6.

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This tunneling current t depends exponentially on the separation d between the tip and the sample, and linearly on the local density of states. Palliat Med 1997; 11:2918 61. In addition, a known quantity of a known additional analyte is added to each sample and standard. Chilowsky and P. Redox processes, which of necessity entail a change in the occupancy of the 4f shell, vary in a very irregular manner across the series. In this way, another source of the misread- ings of Lolita is the reader, who is extratextual because he or she is outside the text of Lolita, who is intertextual because he or she lives between the narratives and images that bolster the misreadings of Lolita, and who becomes intratextual as he or she, submerged in these larger influences of cultures and intertextuality, brings them to Lolita so thoroughly that they become.

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