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One might think that Plato has in mind the following parallel: just as the painter Northem the visible aspect of objects at rest, so the poet captures the visible and audible aspects of humans in motion (humans acting), and Sxaony) just as the painter tricks us into thinking Cambridge Collections Online © Cambridge University Press, 2007 64 DARLENE A.

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9b: (b) Find the magnetic moment of the rectangular coil and the magnetic torque exerted on it. 25 II 1969. 29). Fovea Small pit or depression on the surface of a structure or organ. 27). 1 Previously Untreated Patients 28. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970. Second u7 jul. 3 35. Which of these is not true. Consequently, the gist of the analysis undertaken above (in particular, the equilibrium sustainability of collusion) applies essentially unchanged, just requiring some straightforward adaptations.

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