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Antinuclear antigen high titers, rheumatoid factor positive, circulating immune complexes) Steroid-responsive and may be managed with targeted therapies for underlying illness 3 Immune-mediated Ménières disease Bilateral, fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss with vestibular symptoms that may predominate Subset of patients with delayed contralateral endolymphatic hydrops or recent instability of better hearing ear with burned out Ménières disease Otoblot positive in 3758, may show presence of circulating immune complexes Steroid responsive, may require long-term immunosuppression due to relapses 4 Rapidly progressive bilateral sensorineural hearing loss with associated inflammatory disease (chronic otitis media, Lyme disease, otosyphilis, serum sicknessa) Evidence of profound drop in hearing with long-standing chronic otitis media May show inflammation of the tympanic membrane and perforations Hearing loss progresses despite treatment of the infectious agent (treponemal or rickettsial) Otoblot negative.

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