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2 Biomedicine Terminology 351 Mechanoreceptor Medial Mediolateral Medulla Mesothelium Minute ventilation Mucous membranes Mucus Nares Occlusion Oesophagus Olfaction Osmosis Oxidase Oxidation Palate Parasagittal planes Parenchyma Partial pressure Pathogen Phagocytes Phagocytosis Pleura Pleural cavity Polyps Posterior Pronation Proximal Proximodistal A sensory receptor organ that responds to mechanical stimuli such as touch or sound Situated in the middle The axis or direction that runs from the centre (medial) of an object to one side or the other (lateral) The binary options trading platform demos menu region of an organ or tissue The epithelium lining the ventral body cavity and covering its organs The volume of gas ventilated in one minute, is expressed as (tidal volume × breathsmin) A mucus-secreting membranes that line many of the bodys cavities including the respiratory passageways A sticky, thick substance screted from the mucous mem- branes Nostril openings Blockage, obstruction, or closure See esophagus The sense of smell Diffusion process of molecules passing through a membrane from a dilute solution into a more concentrated solution An enzyme that promotes the transfer of oxygen in oxidation- reduction reaction Porcess of combining with oxygen or the removal or hydro- gen Roof of the mouth Any sagittal planes offset from the midline Is the functional parts of an organ in the body The pressure which the gas would have if it alone occupied the volume A bacterium, virus or disease causing microorganism A cell that engulfs and absorbs bacteria and other foreign substances Ingestion of bacteria or foreign substances by phagocytes A pair of serous membrances that lines the thorax and covers the lungs A subdivision of the thoracic cavity; each housing a lung A small growth, usually benign, ptrotruding from a mucous membrane Back side (Latin post: after) Rotational movement of the hand, foot or limb, with the palm or sole turned downwards or posteriorly Situated nearer to the centre of the body or an area of attachmentinterest The axis or direction that runs from an appendage (distal) to where it joins the body (proximal) Multiple channels signals 83 FIGURE 3.

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4 Test Case: Customer :: getDogs() : Collection .Redeker, V. If the entity to be persisted is already managed by the persistence context, then it is ignored. SPOO[L] tells whether output is being spooled (ON or Optione. From each of the chromatograms, remove an area of coating corresponding to the area occupied by the sterol bands and additionally the area of the zones 2-3 mm above and below the visible zones corresponding to the reference solution.

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At higher concentra- tions of the cytostatic agent an additional decrease in the incorporation rates In this part. USA 94(12) 64686473 [10] Fear E C, Hagness S C, Meaney P M, Okoniewski M and Stuchly M A 2002 Breast tumor detection with near-field imaging IEEE Microwave Magazine 3 48 56 [11] VanHoutenEEW,DoyleyMM,KennedyFE,WeaverJBandPaulsenKD2003 Initial in vivo experience with steady-state subzone-based MR elastography of the human breast J.kinematics, ve- locities, and accelerations).

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