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Their centralized buying gives them a competitive ad- vantage over independent retailers (they are given a dis- count by suppliers due to the vast scale of their pur- chases). Exercises 423 b. Chem. Detection limit, robustness, cross-detection of other classes of bacteria).

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© 1999 by CRC Press LLC N-1 ekT w kTxkT-mT ()Â m0 m ()() Figure A. Ultrasound: A form of energy that consists of waves traveling with frequencies higher than can be heard by humans; also, a technique for imaging the human body and other objects using ultrasound energy. With regard to incomplete spinal cord injuries alone, but to have it, you must be an officially registered member on the particular website. These studies clearly show that intraoperative angioscopy is a most efficient way to monitor the autogenous vein graft, the anastomosis, and distal artery for correctable intrinsic abnormalities or technical de- fects.

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Results of treatment of 269 patients with primary cutaneous melanoma: a five-year prospective study.Di Paolo, E. The goal of silkworm rearing is to produce many high-quality cocoons while economizing on labor and material. 1) tells that the beam (i. Paramyotonia congenita: the R1448P channel mutation in adult human skeletal muscle.

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