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Ultrasound- mediated transdermal protein delivery. 220) tradong dWn,1 δBWn,2, dWn,2 δBWn,3, dWn,3 0. TESTS Relative foam density. See also custom objects associative arrays, 149 classes, relationships, 8 garbage collection, 47 properties, 3233 removing from display lists, 6263 from memory, 63 scope, 27 with statements,142143 Observer behavioral design pattern, 341 octaves of noise, 186 offset() method points, 150 rectangles, 151152 On2 Flix Pro, 252 VP6 codec, 252253 onAsyncError() function, 274 onComplete() function, loading XML documents, 315316 onComplete() method, 281, 283 Loader class, 286, 292 onCueData() method, 273274 onMetaData() method, 273274 onNetStatus() function, 274 OOP (object-oriented programming), 6 classes, 8990 Document class, 9091 classpaths, 9192, 97 composition, 88, 99102 design patterns, 339 encapsulation, 88, 103106 inheritance, 9394 examples, 9599 symbol base classes, 9495 navigation, 111114 polymorphism, 88, 106110 versus procedural programming, 89,89 versus sequential programming, 89 opacity skins, 257258 OR (||) operator, 18, 187 out of bounds errors, 62, 66 Output panel, 9 overflow, Color Mixer panel,157 Overlay blend mode,177179 override keyword, 108 override polymorphism, 106110.

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