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Hoer, Thru-reflect-line: an improved technique for calibrating the dual six-port automatic network analyzer, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 987993, December 1979. 2 Cercopithecus lhoesti 76 Cercopithecus mitis 75 Cercopithecus mona 66 Cercopithecus neglectus 70. Job 0981 July 2000 CHAPTER 3 BOOK PAGE 82 SECOND PROOF Getting Started 53 Example 2. In sensitized asthmatic individuals the antigen challenge generally causes a type I (IgE- mediated) immediate hypersensitivity response with release of mediators responsible for bronchoconstriction.

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2 CONVERSION OF SOLAR RADIATION 363 Perfection and happiness 397 In a letter of 1686 to Arnauld, Leibniz explains that the indepen- dence of monads does not prevent "commerce" between substances: For as all created substances are a continual production of the same sover- eign being in accordance with the same plans, and are an expression of the same universe and the same phenomena, they harmonize exactly among themselves and that causes us to say that one acts upon the other, because one is a more distinct expression than the other of the cause of or reason for the changes, more or less as we attribute motion to the vessel rather than to the whole sea, and rightly so, although speaking abstractly one might up- hold another hypothesis of motion, since motion in itself, disregarding the cause, is always relative.

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