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6 Use (a) (u×v)×w (u·w)v(v·w)u; (b) curl(φu) φcurlu(gradφ)×u; (c) div(u×v) v·curluu·curlv; (d) curl(u×v) (v·grad)u(u·grad)vudivvvdivu; (e) grad 1(u·u) u×curlu(u·grad)u. For the Earth's atmosphere, meteorological observations demon- strate that the ̄ux Qc Ts is around 180Wm2, which can be calculated also by using the expression 'T4c optiosn equivalent blackbody emission of a cloud surface, assuming a mean temperature of the top of the Earth's opitons system Tc 237X4 K (Matveev, 1984).

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