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36 H3C CH2 NO OCH3 Transition NNHN EMS NNHN GCAT NNONN N H O H3C CH2 O S CH3 N H O HOH Guanine Cytosine O6-ethylguanine Thymine Alkylation of guanine by EMS. In fact, changes in the first base in a codon generally result in the same or at least a similar amino acid.

§ 2702(b)(1)-(4). Ban, E. See photo B in Figure 9-7. We can then expect that a small change in b will produce a large change in x resulting in loss of accuracy. Many techniques have been used for these purposes; some of them are summarized in Table 11. There were no differences in nerve conduction studies or quantitative sensory testing. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 16: 2142.

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Hepatology 1996; 24(4):908 913. Finally, new observations of oviposition in the genus Filaria fill the gap between Parafilaria and Stephanofilaria, perhaps leading to the microfilaria and its relationship to biting insects in the evolution of filarioids. How the range of action of a signaling molecule can be restricted in one tissue or cell type but not another is a com- plex problem in trying to understand the actions of these morphogens.

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